Top Five Concerns for Small Business Owners

Based on the feedback we hear from our small business clients on a daily basis, we have compiled a list of the top five fears that small business owners face going into 2014.  Below are a few tips of the trade to assist employers in these areas. Finding the Right...

Small Business Health Care Tax Credit Increasing in 2014

With much of the recent talk about the Affordable Care Act focusing on the individual mandate, employers may be wondering what, if any, actions they should currently be taking with regard to Health Care Reform. One thing worth doing now is determining if you qualify...

Health Care Reform – Automatic Enrollment

The postponement of the employer mandate or “shared responsibility provision” of Health Care Reform until 2015 was a welcome reprieve for many employers.  It has led many organizations to browse through other Health Care Reform provisions and timelines.  In doing so,...

Social Media in the Workplace

Social Media, the means by which individuals may post personal messages, photos and videos to the web, has exploded as a means of electronic communication.  Whereas this efficient, ever-present medium has magnified the concept of in the moment connectivity and...

Do you know who you are hiring?

* 45% of of all resumes contain one fabrication, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. * 6% of annual revenue is lost due to employee fraud. * 17% of all crimes occur in the workplace. We’re excited to announce… that we now offer simple and...


Timekeeping is utilized by thousands of employers and industries across North America. We offer numerous features and solutions that simplify challenges for many types of companies, such as day care, retail, service, property management, manufacturing, religious...